Openitaly4BB sbarca sull’AppWorld

Luca Fabiani, della Datafox di Prato, mi ha appena comunicato che l’applicazione Openitaly4BB è stata pubblicata sull’AppWorld di Blackberry: una magnifica notizia, che conferma la grande professionalità di questa software house e anche, permettetemelo, la validità di Direttamente dalla pagina sull’AppWorld leggiamo:

OpenItaly for BlackBerry® is the new DataFox application that allows you to access the Italian touristic social network is a free and open collaborative project with the goal of promoting events, resources for tourism in Italy, check advertisement, meet new friends and share opinions.

OpenItaly for BlackBerry allows you to access easily and intuitively thousands of Italian touristic information, useful for travelers or simply for those looking for a new restaurant to try. But, through the use of GPS integrated in the BlackBerry smartphones, OpenItaly for BlackBerry does much more: it can find Italian touristic resources closer to the user and it can guide him to destination, because it is integrated with the Maps software.

The key feature of OpenItaly for BlackBerry is the search of Italian touristic resources. The search can be performed by keyword or based on the user s GPS location. It is available an advanced search function and this allows you to specify different criteria, e.g. region, province, type of resource.

Questa applicazione si interfaccia al portale attraverso l’API XML-RPC, appositamente sviluppata da me, per permettere lo sviluppo di questo tipo di applicazioni. Tra le altre vi ricordo anche il plugin openitaly4wp, ormai giunto alla versione 0.0.5, per i vostri blog WordPress.

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